Amazon announced yesterday a major step for his pioneer and market leade r Cloud Computing service EC2.
Amazon has made the following improvements in their service:
- Amazon EC2 adds an SLA (Service Level Agreement), something very importante as we talke about here.
- They hazve removed the "beta" label, EC2 is now considered in production.
- Both Microsoft Windosw and SQL Serrver are available (in beta at the moment) on EC2.
- There are plans to rellease an interactive management console for Amazon web Services / AWS
- There are plans to launch, load balancing, automatic scaling and monitoring services.
At Todo OnDemand we believed some of these things (SLA, balancing or administration), were the few advantsges that Amazon left to some of the alternatives in cloud conputing as GoGrid or Flexiscale.
The truth is that (especially the promised features) this sems to us a very important step for Amazon EC2 and the Clkoud Coputing in general. We believe that the lack of these features was the main reason for many to stay away from Cloud Computing. We think this can be a strong push for EC2 and for the Cloud Computing in general.
Good news then :)
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